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  • Corned Beef and Piccalilli Sandwich

    28 March 2023

    Corned beef became popular during and after World War II as rationing limited the availability of fresh meat.

    Serves 4

    Prep time – 10 minutes

    Cooking time – 5 minutes


    • 8 slices wholemeal bread
    • 120 gm Hellman’s mayonnaise 
    • 160 gm corned beef – sliced
    • 120 gm mustard piccalilli
    • 80 gm mixed leaf – washed
    • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


    • Layout wholemeal bread in a rectangle of 8 slices on a chopping board (2 rows of 4).
    • Spread the mayonnaise over bottom slices of bread.
    • Lightly season with salt and black pepper.
    • Lay 40 gm sliced corned beef on to the mayonnaise slice of wholemeal bread
    • Top with corned beef and 20 gm of mixed salad leaf.
    • Spread 30 gm of the mustard piccalilli to other slices of bread and ensure you cover to the covers.
    • Sandwich the two slices of bread together and push together carefully.
    • Store wrapped in clingfilm and refrigerated or use at once

    To Serve 

    • Cut in half diagonally


    We would love to see your creations! Tag us on social media @SearcysLondon #StayinwithSearcys

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